Electronic Forms

electronic formsElectronic forms provide a reusable, paperless alternative to traditional paper forms. And, because they are digital, they are much more easily produced, distributed, shared, and backed up. There are many options when it comes to electronic forms, and the choice of format depends on the needs of a particular project. Some of the more common types of forms that we regularly work with are: Adobe PDF, MS InfoPath, MS Word, and online Web-based forms.

Adobe PDF

We can take your existing paper, or electronic, forms and create stunning fill-able PDF documents.

Microsoft Forms & InfoPath

We will create Microsoft/InfoPath forms with complex logic, and the ability to print, save, and/or submit to Microsoft SharePoint.

Microsoft Word

Tired of recreating the same document over and over? We can templatize your most frequently used MS Word documents so that you can easily reuse them without the tedious copy-and-paste, or double-checking that you made all the changes from the last time you used the same document.

Google Forms

Google Forms lets you collect information from people via personalized quizzes or surveys. You can then connect the info to a spreadsheet on Sheets to automatically record the answers. The spreadsheet then populates with the responses from the quiz or survey in real-time.